全球健康 知到智慧树答案满分完整版章节测试


第一章 单元测试

1、 Which of the following are true of Disability Adjusted Life Years or DALYs? ( )

A:A DALY combines years of life lost because of early death and years of life lived with disability or illness.
B:DALYs enable us to compare the disease burden between, for example, depression and breast cancer.
C:DALYs help policy-makers to compare diseases and decide priorities.
D:A country with a lot of DALYs has lower levels of disease and early mortality.
答案: A DALY combines years of life lost because of early death and years of life lived with disability or illness.
DALYs enable us to compare the disease burden between, for example, depression and breast cancer.
DALYs help policy-makers to compare diseases and decide priorities.

2、 Which of the following are true? ( )

A:The countries with the highest burden of disease are mostly located in Sub-Saharan Africa
B:The earliest Global Burden of Disease Study data was for the year 2000.
C:The GBD studies have provided trends about mortality and morbidity by cause and risk factor over time.
D:The methods for the GBD used are very robust and not controversial at all.
答案: The countries with the highest burden of disease are mostly located in Sub-Saharan Africa
The GBD studies have provided trends about mortality and morbidity by cause and risk factor over time.

3、 Regarding SDGs, which are true? ( )

A:There are 17 SDGs and 169 separate targets.
B:The SDGs will be easy to achieve in most countries.
C:Covid-19 will slow progress towards the SDGs in many countries.
D:Eradication of extreme poverty is one of the SDGs.
答案: There are 17 SDGs and 169 separate targets.
Covid-19 will slow progress towards the SDGs in many countries.
Eradication of extreme poverty is one of the SDGs.

4、 Which of the following are health targets of the SDGs, (SDG 3) but not included of the MDGs? ( )

A:Reduce mortality from NCDs.
B:Reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio.
C:Reduce mortality in Children under the age of 5.
D:Achieve Universal Health Coverage.
答案: Reduce mortality from NCDs.
Achieve Universal Health Coverage.

5、 Which statements are true about the social determinants of health? ( )

A:Well-educated mothers have healthier children
B:High risk behaviors, such as smoking, are more common in individuals with good education
C:Loneliness is strongly associated with physical and mental health
D:Access to quality healthcare is fundamental to health equity.
答案: Well-educated mothers have healthier children
Loneliness is strongly associated with physical and mental health
Access to quality healthcare is fundamental to health equity.

第二章 单元测试

1、 What type of healthcare financing is regarded as most efficient, (best value for money)? ( )

B:Private Health Insurance
C:Social Health Insurance
D:Out-of-pocket payments
答案: Taxation

2、 Which of these countries have among the lowest out-of-pocket expenditure on health? ( )

C:South Africa
答案: Japan
South Africa

3、 Which are true? ( )

A:The richer the country you live in, the more you pay out-of-pocket for healthcare
B:Countries with no Universal Health Coverage are mostly in South Asia
C:Most African countries have included a goal of UHC in their national health strategies
D:Progress towards UHC has been very fast in Sub-Saharan Africa
答案: Most African countries have included a goal of UHC in their national health strategies

4、 Which of these will help countries to progress towards UHC? ( )

A:Reduce out-of-pocket spending through free or affordable healthcare at the point of delivery especially for the poorest groups
B:Maximise use of tertiary care
C:Reduce unnecessary drugs and tests
D:Reducing corruption
答案: Maximise use of tertiary care
Reducing corruption

5、 Which of the following statements are right? ( )

A:WHO defines health systems as all organisations, institutions and resources which work to improve health through treatment and prevention
B:Healthcare is much more expensive than it was mainly because of an ageing population with chronic disease and multimorbidites
C:People over the age of 80 spend 10 times more on healthcare than people under the age of 60
D:Cost is the major barrier to the delivery of quality healthcare
答案: WHO defines health systems as all organisations, institutions and resources which work to improve health through treatment and prevention
Healthcare is much more expensive than it was mainly because of an ageing population with chronic disease and multimorbidites
Cost is the major barrier to the delivery of quality healthcare

第三章 单元测试

1、 What are factors contributing to the growth of drug resistance? ( )

A:Inappropriate prescribing practices
B:failure by patients to take all their medicines
C:Counterfeiting of drugs
D:inappropriate use of antibiotics in animals
答案: Inappropriate prescribing practices
failure by patients to take all their medicines
Counterfeiting of drugs
inappropriate use of antibiotics in animals

2、 What are key measures to reduce the development of infectious diseases? ( )

A:Improve land use planning
B:improve public education about these diseases
C:Share information on such diseases across countries
D:strengthen implementation of the International Health Regulations
答案: Improve land use planning
improve public education about these diseases
Share information on such diseases across countries
strengthen implementation of the International Health Regulations

3、 Which of the following best represents the new global goals for treatment of HIV announced by UN in 2014: ( )

A:20/20/20 by 2025 – 20% of the population will know their HIV status, 20% will receive anti-retroviral therapy, and 20% will have a suppressed viral load
B:50/50/50 by 2025 – 50% of the population will know their HIV status, 50% will receive anti-retroviral therapy, and 50% will have a suppressed viral load
C:90/90/90 by 2020 – 90% of the population will know their HIV status, 90% will receive anti-retroviral therapy, and 90% will have a suppressed viral load
D:95/95/95 by 2030 – 95% of the population will know their HIV status, 95% will receive anti-retroviral therapy, and 95% will have a suppressed viral load
答案: 95/95/95 by 2030 – 95% of the population will know their HIV status, 95% will receive anti-retroviral therapy, and 95% will have a suppressed viral load

4、 The socio-economic consequences of Covid-19 in most countries include: ( )

A:Increased inequalities
B:Increased debt
C:Loss of education for the majority of the world’s children
D:Economic gains in the tourism and the hospitality sectors
答案: Increased inequalities
Increased debt
Loss of education for the majority of the world’s children

5、 Regarding the situation in Africa, which are true? ( )

A:Numbers of cases are higher than expected
B:There has been a reversal of progress towards poverty reduction goals
C:Economic effects have been greater in countries which rely on tourism
D:The WHO COVAX programme has been very successful in delivering vaccines in sub-Saharan Africa.
答案: There has been a reversal of progress towards poverty reduction goals
Economic effects have been greater in countries which rely on tourism

第四章 单元测试

1、 How many people die every year from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including cancer, heart diseases and stroke, diabetes, and chronic respiratory diseases? ( )

A:10 million people
B:25 million people
C:40 million people
D:50 million people
答案: 40 million people

2、 Of the following, which disease causes most death worldwide? ( )

A:Cardiovascular disease
答案: Cardiovascular disease

3、 Women around the world are most likely to die from: ( )

B:Heart disease
C:Road traffic crashes
D:Breast cancer
答案: Heart disease

4、 What proportion of cancers can be prevented? ( )

答案: 30%-50%

5、 Governments have agreed to reduce premature NCD deaths by the year 2030. ( )

答案: 对





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