大学英语口语超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG




大学英语口语超星尔雅答案2024版100分完整版 -MYTG第1张

Unit 1 Pronunciation根据发音规则,找出以下单词中划线部分发音不同的1个单词。


















根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词B根据发音规则,选出下列每组词中发音不同的1个单词章 Unit 2 Greeting (教师出镜部分小节测试)In Thailand, people greet each other by putting their palms together. 正确In Holland, the normal way of greeting on formal occasions is an Eskimo kiss.错误

It’s unnecessary to use formal expressions and you can say “hi” or “hello” to greet each other in a business meeting. 错误Addressing each other by his or her title is necessary because titles represent people’s social status and achievements.

Although people from different cultures may have very different customs and beliefs, you don’t have to respect these differences when welcoming a business partner.

Which of the following describes the way children greeted elders in ancient China?

Which of the following belongs to the ancient greeting way in China?

Which of the following is not a modern way of greeting?

What is not advised when greeting each other in a business meeting?

Which of the following sentences is not a formal expression?

What does title represent in business meeting?

What may not leave a good impression on your interviewer?

Which of the following is not advised when welcoming a business partner?

If your business partner is a woman, what should not be done? AWhat is the most common way of greeting in China now? .2无题目

2章 Extended Reading (小节测试)In Britain, they usually kiss on the cheek between men and women when they first meet.

The Spanish greeting is “hola” and the Zulu say “sawubona” when greeting friends.

The common greeting for men and women is to bow to each other in both Philippines and Japan.

In Russia, a typical greeting is a very firm handshake without direct eye contact.

In Armenia, a woman needs to wait for the man to offer his hand for the handshake. 章 Food(教师出镜部分小节测试)Table Manners are very important in China.

Tables in China are usually round, and the seat facing the door is normally for the host.

In China, people usually help others to get food with their own chopsticks.

In the west, round tables are the standard.

In the west, you need to use your fork with your right hand and the knife with your left hand.

Which of the following is the traditional food during Chinese New Year?

Which of the following specialties belongs to Japan?

Which of the following tableware are not often used by Chinese?

Which of the following food belongs to America?

What do people usually use for eating in India?

Which of the follwing food is healthy food?

Which of the follwing food is junk food?

Which of the following questions is not asked by the waiter?

Which of the following sentences is not said by the customer? AIn western countires, where do the hosts often sit when they serve guests a meal? .2无题目

3.3 Extended Reading (小节测试)French people take great pride in their nation’s culinary reputation.

The French tend to buy fresh meat from the supermarket, where they can inspect the piece before purchasing it.

In France, vegetables do play a starring role in a meal.

Cheese is always served after dessert.

On an ordinary night, the French are most likely to eat fruit for dessert.

In a bazzar, there are many big supermarkets and shopping malls.

A shopping mall usually contains stores, movies theatres, restaurants, and even clinics.

To buy food or daily necessities, large grocery stores or supermarkets are good choices.

One of the great advantages of going in-store shopping is we can try the clothes on.

There are many things we should consider when buying a mobile phone, such as its function, brand, price and phone chains.

A __________may contains stores, movie theaters, restaurants or even clinics.

Why do people prefer to buy food or daily necessities in grocery stores or supermarkets?

If we want to buy furniture or electric appliances, which one is the reasonable choice?

If the original price of a sweater is $200 and today it is sold with a sign “60% off”, how much should the buyer pay?

“No refund no exchange” means:

Which one is not one of the advantages of shopping online?

When we go shopping in stores, shop assistants often want to help us and ask ____________.

These days, lots of people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the__________.

One of the great advantages of going in-store shopping is___________.AIf we want to go shopping at Taobao, what is the first step we should do? .3This year, as usual, many people are leaving their homes to browse around the shops.

These days lots of people can do their shopping in their own homes thanks to the Internet. 正确Male and female are more likely to buy their Christmas gifts online now.

Although more and more people begin to do shopping online, a majority of Internet users still do have security worries.

To compete with online shopping, many companies and shops have more special offers and begin the sales earlier than before. .1Doing sports is the only way to lose your weight.

The fat want to be the thin and the thin are satisfied with their figure.

Doing sports is beneficial to both the health and the studies.

Some people choose to relax by travelling.

Travelling can open our mind to new culture.

When were Beijing Olympic Games held? 012

Which of the following sports is the favourite one in China?


Which sport is Harbin famous for ?

Which sport are the American people crazy about?

Which one is not the most popular team sports?

Which culture is the special one in China?

Which sport is the most popular in the world?

Which one is played by all ages in America and Cuba?

Which of the following is the individual sport? DWhich of the following is the recreational sport? .2无题目

5.3The opening ceremony showcased the unique Chinese cultural heritage.

The Beijing Olympics is the geographically farthest Olympic Games to Mongolia.

The Beijing conveyed the message of harmony, isolation and peace.

The splendid opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics showed China’s profound culture and wisdom of its people.

The excellent performance of the Chinese athletes would go down in the world’s sports history. .1Travel gives us the opportunity to enjoy new and exotic foods and beautiful scenery.

When you travel, the place you live is not an important factor.

You should make a reasonable timetable to make sure what you should do one by one.

You should learn some information about cultures and customs in the target country and notice cultural differences between China and the target country.

You don’t need to make a reservation in advance.

What benefit can travel bring to you?

Travel is about exploring the world except ________.

Travel is a good opportunity for you to ______.

Travel offers you a chance to practice ______.

What do you need to do to make your trip an easy one according to the video?

When making the hotel reservation, you need to make clear ______ first.

If you are not satisfied with the room the receptionist recommended, you may say


According to the video, there is more information you need to know EXCEPT_______

We need to ________ when traveling abroad.  DWhat is important when traveling in your own country? .2无题目

6.3The Statue of Liberty was given to the U. S. by the French in 1886 as a token of friendship.

Lady Liberty’s thorny crown has five points representing the five seas.

Lady Liberty’s thorny crown has five points representing the five seas.

Since 1886, the Statue of Liberty has received a new torch, because the old torch was broken.

As one of the most symbolic gestures of all time, the Statue of Liberty represents freedom, liberty, justice and also the friendship of foreign nations who also believe in freedom and fair and equal treatment for all. .1Regular exercise is one of the most important factors that contribute to good health.

Good living habits are beneficial for keeping fit.

Eating fast food can help create a healthy state of mind.

Getting close to nature and lay aside your work to enjoy yourself temporarily are useful relaxations.

After being injured, you need to wash the area of cut with sterile water in case of infection.

What kind of health do people care about?

What are the main threats to health in the modern society?

What are the main factors that contribute to good health?

How to keep healthy physically?

How to keep healthy mentally?

What is the first thing to do if you want to see a doctor in western countries?

Which one is NOT important in dealing with the stress?

Which one is NOT the healthy habit?

Which is NOT the advantage of drinking more water? DWhat is the harm of excessive sitting? .3It is of little help to do some brain exercises to improve your memory.

Drugs and alcohol abuse can be the cause of significant memory loss.

Getting lost while driving or walking in a familiar place is a sign of memory loss.

Doing a puzzle is an excellent way to use your brain’s power of recall and association.

Strong links between good brain health and strong personal relationships haven’t been found so far. .1You will get acquainted with cyber friends on your trip.

The most important person to you is your intimate friends.

In a traditional British wedding, a silver sixpence will be placed in the bride’s right shoe.

The first thing to keep a long friendship is to contact with your friends not too often.

The generation gap is quite common in almost every family.

Which of the following can best describe “intimate friends”?

Who will get acquainted with you on your trip?

Which of the following is not the feature of “cyber pals”?

Why does the bride wear a piece of family jewelry while getting married?

Which of the following method does not mention to enable your friends cherish the friendship more?

What will you do when your friends ask for suggestions from you?

What if your friends made mistakes?

What can “generation gap” bring about in a family?

Which of the following is not the effect of discussing openly at family gatherings? DHow can the family members avoid being too proud? .3.People often lie on the Internet, so meeting online friends is not reliable.

Before the meeting, you’d better not contact with your online friends.

Going somewhere private with the person you first meet is not suggested.

First impression is produced by rational judgments not by emotional ones.

Your families should not involve in offering opinions about your cyber friends. .1Easter, also called Easter Day or Easter Sunday, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his Crucifixion.

On the Third Sunday in May, that is Mother’s Day. Of course this is a special day honoring mothers.

Memorial Day falls on May 30th. It is a day in remembrance of war dead.

On the fourth of June is Independence Day.

On the first Monday in September is Labor Day. Obviously it is a day of recognition of workers.

The family _______________ when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve?

Where is St. Patrick’s Day celebrated?

Why do people race dragon boats during the Dragon Boat Festival?

On April Fool’s Day, people usually __________.

When are all the lanterns hung up?

What do people do at the Lantern Festival?

The first to celebrate Thanksgiving were ____.

On Mother’s Day, people _____.

Why is it said that Halloween is the children’s New Year’s Eve? DWhat’s the main purpose of Veterans Day? .2无题目



The Chinese have celebrated the harvest during the mid-autumn with a full moon since the Shang Dynasty (c. 16th to 10th century BCE).


In some areas of China, there are still customs in which “women don’t worship the moon and the men don’t offer sacrifices to the kitchen gods.”


One year, the nine suns rose in the sky together, causing great disaster to people. Yi shot down eight of the suns and left only one to provide light.


Chang’e fled to the moon and became the spirit of the moon.


In the ancient time, there was a hero named Hou Yi who was excellent at shooting. His wife was Chang’e. 0.1


You needn’t find out the information about the company you would like to work for.

You must be punctual when you get to your interview appointment.


Do not fiddle with objects such as jewelry, your hair or pens when you first meet your interviewers.


You need to dress formally and wear any colors you like in order to gain more attention of the interviewers.


If you want to survive unemployment and prepare yourself for a new job, you could pick up some language skills, learn more compu ter skills or consider becoming an apprentice in a new field.


What job is considered as the engineer of human soul?



Which of the following sentences is doctor’s job description?



What profession is considered as angels in white?



Who can work at home to create software without going to the office?



Who can provide legal service to the clients and help to protect their rights?



What profession was not believed to be a stable job in the past?



Which of the following reasons does not explain why some young people dream of being film stars?



What is the first step if you want to find a job?



What cannot cause a lateness for an interview?


What body language is not advised when one meets his interviewer?




In a good resume, your job titles are more important than your accomplishments.


One way to gain an advantage is to rewrite your resume for each new potential employer.


You can write a resume in either a chronological or functional format. But please don’t use a combination of the two.


If you’ve had a long career in one industry, it’s good for you to use the chronological format to present information in resumes.


You’d better show all years of experience in your field to make your potential employer know you well.


The Chinese Lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in the history dating from __________.

600 B.C.



When did people do house cleaning in the past?



Which of the following is not mentioned as one of the customs people followed in the past?



Why did family members stay up as late as they can on New Year’s Eve?



Why do Chinese dumplings imply wealth?



What is not true of Monster Year according to the legend?



Why did people from all villages flee to the remote mountains?



Which of the following was not what Monster Year was afraid of according to the legend?



When did New Year pictures win popularity?



In the past, what did people do on the second or third day of the New Year?



The Lantern Festival has its origin in _______.




Which are the most expensive and the prettiest lanterns?




Which one is not mentioned in the course?




Which is the special food for the Lantern Festival?




In the northern and southern China, yuanxiao is made in ______ways.




The Lantern Festival was formed in ______.




How many years can the Chinese Lion Dance date back?


000 years.




What does a long dragon mean to Chinese?




Which one is not mentioned in the course?




What does yuanxiao symbolize?




The Dragon Boat Festival is also named as ______.



Qu Yuan was not a famous ______.



Other governments officials _______ him and convinced the king of his unfaithfulness.



Later, too depressed to take up the political career, Qu Yuan decided to ________.



Which countries or places observe this festival?



Which is not a particular activity of the Dragon Boat Festival?



Which description of the dragon boat racing is not correct?



Which of the following descriptions about zongzi is right?



Why do people hang artemisia above the door?



Which one is not the protective measure during the Dragon Boat Festival?



When celebrating the Moon Festival in San Francisco, there are some traditional arts of Asia EXCEPT __________.



The festival can date back to ________ dynasty.



At this time, the moon will be _________ than other times of the year.



In ancient China, people used something round to symbolize the moon EXCEPT __________.



Moon cakes are usually with fillings of ___________.



Wu Kang, the woodcutter, was a (an)_________ as well as a talentless fellow.



What was Wu Kang interested in doing?



What does Chang E stand for?



The clay sculptures of  Tu Ye used to be the ________on the tables.



__________, also called Chinese Cupid, was a warm-hearted matchmaker.



Once a year, on the ________day of the full moon, Hou Yi visits his wife. That is why the moon is full and beautiful on that night.




Angry with Wu Kang’s impatience, the Jade Emperor punished Wu Kang to the Moon Palace and told him that he must cut down a huge cassia tree before he could _____________.



Nowadays the Chongyang Festival has also been declared as ______________.



When is the Chongyang festival?



Huanjing learned that a senior lived in seclusion who possessed supernatural power that no one could match. What was the name of the senior?



Wu Jun wrote a story about the customs of Chongyang Festival in the sixth century. The book was called __________.



Huanjing stood outside the door waiting for the senior for ________ days.



If you find a glove on the road on Valentine’s Day, your future beloved will ___________.



When was Valentine supposedly executed?



Young soldiers were not allowed to marry because the emperor was afraid that _________.



In the 1700’s, unmarried women made five ______leaves to their pillows on the eve of Valentine’s Day.



In the Middle Ages, young men and women would wear their lovers’ names on their sleeves for _______.



What is the symbol of the Valentine’s Day?



In  America, how many Valentine cards will be bought in a year?



How do children in America celebrate Valentine’s Day?



What is the cost of printing a message in the newspaper to show one’s love? It’s _______.



Boys reached into the container and pulled one piece of paper out. The girl whose name was written on the paper became his lover or sweet heart for________.



Which of the following is not true of Easter?



Which of the following is not one of the symbols of Easter?



Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating ________.



Which month was dedicated to the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, Eostre?



A figure thrown into the Easter fire symbolizes ________.



Easter itself was not widely celebrated in America until after _______.



What does Easter mean for children?



The Romans celebrated the Easter season _______________.



The most famous Egg Rolling takes place _____________.



Many businesses give their employees almost ________off called Easter break.



Nowadays, celebrating Japanese Girls’ Day is an opportunity for parents to display their ________ of children.



When is Japanese Girls’ Day?



How do Japanese girls celebrate the festival?



Japanese Girls’ Day is celebrated when ________ flowers bloom.



One of the origins of the festival goes back to the Chinese _________, and it was also a type of _______ in the Heian period.



The most popular sets of Hina dolls generally cost around ________.



The diamond-shaped rice cakes have 3 colors, generally_______.



The dolls are meant to be __________.



The flowers of the cherry trees begin to bloom from the south of Japan to the north part of the country ______________.



These dolls represent a royal family in Japan about ________years ago, in Heian period.



Halloween (Part1)–Quiz


When is the Halloween holiday celebrated in North America?



Why did the Catholic Church establish All Saints’ Day in the 9th century?



What have you learnt about Guy Fawkes’ Day?



Which one below does not belong to the Halloween decorations?



Why did the trick-or-treaters vandalize the house in the past times on Halloween night?



Where did the word “Halloween” originate from?



Which one below is true about Samhain?



Who is Pomona?



Where’s the custom “trick-or-treating” derived from?



What did the Devil give to Stingy Jack in Hell?



Seeking a better life, the Separatists negotiated with a London      company to finance them.



During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of      or epidemics.



The women of the settlement were responsible for      at the harvest festival.



proclaimed a National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789.



Franklin Roosevelt changed the date of Thanksgiving Day in order to create a     .



Which country became the nation’s first Southern state to adopt Thanksgiving Day in 1855?



On Thanksgiving Day, the Americans eat delicious turkeys and talk about     .



The best and most attractive dishes on Thanksgiving Day were roast turkey and     .



The Pilgrims made pumpkin pudding sweetened with     .



The turkey tradition was pushed by     .



The traditional colors of Christmas are ______.



In ancient Rome, people used decorative wreaths as ______.



What things are used in Christmas decorations?



Many Christmas customs that are popular in the United States and Canada originated in __B____.



What do people do for Christmas?



Christmas, is the annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of ______.



God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that ______.



The mistletoe and holly are important symbols of ______.



Saint Nicholas died on _____.



In fact, who puts presents into children’s empty stockings?


April Fool’s Day or All Fools’ Day occurs annually on ________.

The most widespread theory about the origin of April Fool’s Day involves the Gregorian calendar reform of ________________.

In Scotland, for example, April Fool’s Day is actually celebrated for______days.

When the “young fool” discovers this trick, the prankster yells________ in France!

Putting salt in the sugar bowl for the next person is ___________.

Which day is Boxing Day?

Boxing Day is also called __________.

Which of the following statements is right?

Which country does the Boxing Day originate from?

What do countries mentioned in the course have in common in celebrating Boxing Day?


Which country celebrate Boxing Day?  The UK.


What do people do on Boxing day?B  Giving money and other gifts to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs.

Visiting their relatives or friends and holding horse-racing and hunting.

Other sports are also held on this day like football and rugby.

Go shopping.

Which of the following statements are right?


St. Stephen achieved eternal fame by being the first Christian to be martyred for his faith. 0


The holiday may date from the Middle Ages and the origin of the name “Boxing Day” is fully known. 1


The public observance of Boxing Day takes place on the following Friday if December 26 falls on a Saturday or Sunday. 2


Boxing Day has become the day of the year with the greatest revenue.


Who is the founder of World Red Cross?


Its emblem of World Red Cross was ________.

Treaty of World Red Cross marked the recognition and protection of the world.

The establishment of World Red Cross has contributed tremendous strength to the development of world humanitarian career.

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day began in 1922, just after World War II.

World Earth Day is on _______.

Who is the founder of World Earth Day?

World Earth Day originated in ________.

When is World Environment Day?

What does the establishment of World Environment Day reflect?

World Health Day is celebrated by _________ member countries of the World Health Organization

Each year, there is a certain theme concerning___________ for World Health Day.


The WHO provides member governments with ___________.


The WHO provides leadership for targeted global health initiatives such as the successful campaign which led to the elimination of smallpox _________.


___________, the World Health Organization celebrated its fortieth anniversary— the first World No-Smoking day


The International Day of Disabled Persons is observed on the      of December every year.

The organization is resolved to require the      of every country in the world to have something to do with,


The objective of this organization is to improve the disabled person’s     .


The General Assembly held the special meeting for      days on the question of the disabled person.


People of different kinds of clans all begin to form a      that the disabled person’s cause is the cause of humanitarianism.


Songkran Festival is officially celebrated this year on

The word “Songkran” derives from the language of     .

Thai New Year was held at the end of the      season in the first month of the old Thai Lunar Calendar.

The water is sprinkled on the      persons while uttering wishes of good luck and a happy future.

In Chiangmai, April the15th is the      day of the celebration and the day on which people have built up to a crescendo of water throwing.

Many old temple structures were built by     .

Today, the official Thai New Year falls in the      month of the Thai lunar year.


Songkran day itself is called Wan Sangkhan Lohng, as the word Lohng means to ‘    ‘.


After the family pays respect the elders ask the younger ones to forgive them for speaking jkljl               during the past year and the elders give them a blessing and words of wisdom.


Water runs deep in the Thai New Year traditions, both as a symbol of cleansing and as a symbol of     .

In which session did the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization decide the date of World Tourism Day?

What’s the date of World Tourism Day?

Who selected the theme of World Tourism Day?

What is the important milestone in world tourism?

World Tourism Organization is an affiliated organization attached to ________________.

About _________________ in the world live in slums. 0%to 40%


At least 100 million people are ____________; 600 million people live under the conditions which are threatening _______________________.

1986 was the tenth anniversary of the 1976 United Nations Conference on Human Settlements held in ___________________.

What’s the date of World Habitat Day?

What is the theme for World Habitat Day in 2000?


The World AIDS Day is designated on_____.

December every year since 1988


As of 2017, AIDS has killed _________ people worldwide.


World AIDS Day is one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by ______.


They took inspiration from ______ tied on trees.


In the early days, _____ made the ribbons themselves and distributed them around New York art galleries and theatres.

Carnival is ______ found in many countries of the world.


The carnival comes from the followers of the Catholic religion in ______.


The followers of the Catholic religion started the tradition of______ right before the first day of Lent.


People called their festival, carnivals — which means “______”.


There are still other people think that Carnival originated from pre-Christian traditions of ______ of Europe and other continents.


In the ancient festival of Saturnalia  ______ used to burn the effigy of the king of ancient Saturnalia.


The Carnival took on aspects of ______ like those of Saturnalia and still retains them.


In fact, this tradition of effigy burning had come as a part of ancient rites of celebrating the conclusion of the battle between ______.


The masks are said to represent the______ from the nether world who come closest to the human at th is vulnerable time of changeover.


People tried to please ______ in order to get them to comply with their petitions and prayers to provide in the necessities of the living.


Which organization assumed that the day, July 11, 1987, was World Population Day, on which the earth’s population has exceeded 5 billion?

In which year the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program recommended that July 11 be observed by the international community as World Population Day?

Which day is designated as the World Water Day by the 47th United Nations General Assembly?


Governments, ________, non-governmental organizations and professional organizations can strengthen partnerships through participation and cooperation in this activity.


March 22 is a special day to remind people of ________ in protecting the environment and promoting the development of human society.







